Legends The Great Contender

Crestars Legendary Bruizer

Lemiz Valjean

Omegaville Dragon King At Lemiz

Fawncrest Chaos At Lemiz

Crestars All The Right Moves

Rohan's Little Lion King SOD

Crestars Fantayzee Rompford

One Hot Tottie N'Co.

Crestwood Bamboo Bear

Serre From House Off Angie

Bedlam Ebony

A Little Rendezvous N'co.

Cryptonite N'Co

Follow Your Heart N'Co.

Genie Pupo-Haichi

Arees Pupo-Haichi

Cenn Modry kvet

Moonswift Blue Devil

Sasquehanna Etna

Goldenberry Gamely Candy-Floss

Lionheart Kristmas Klown

Goldenberry Une Melody

Eyllin Modry Kvet

Gingery's Krimson n' Clover

Gingery's Kangaroo SOD

Gingery's Cheesecake DOD

Beggy Modry kvet

Moonswift Blue Devil

Sasquehanna Etna